i still really like going, but if there's a pose that lasts more than 5 minutes, i really lose interest. plus, i'm honestly really sucky at life drawing anyway, so i get frustrated when im working on the same shitty drawing for 30 minutes or an hour.
but i like the challenge. i don't know if i'll ever feel like i'm good at it, but i really enjoy going. i've started a game with myself where i try to make every drawing fun: only use vertical lines, mess around with proportion, do blind contour stuff, whatever. since it's super informal and there are no grades, i'm really just paying 5 bucks to draw for a few hours. i don't even have to draw the model. i joked last night that i was going to do a 15 minute drawing of the sheet that was used for a backdrop.
i had a real positive energy about going last night, but i really, REALLY sucked. just didn't get it right for some reason. i've come up with several dumb excuses:
1. the model had hardly any figure and didn't do very dynamic poses because she had some kind of injury, so she wasn't fun to draw.
2. i've been mostly painting for about a month now, and it's hard to switch gears back to another medium, especially when you have completely different personal approaches to each one.
3. other than the 2 life drawing classes i've gone to here so far, i haven't done this in like, 6 years.
4. the music the guy was playing totally was not conducive to making art. jane's addiction is just fine, but not what i want to hear when drawing.
5. it's a night class, so i was hungry and sleepy. and right when i started feeling sleepy, dude busts out with johnny cash songs. again, not bad, but if you're sleepy, johnny cash only makes you more so.
6. i'm not buying a big pad of newsprint or charcoal or other "real" art supplies for this class, so i'm using my small sketch book and office pens and pencils. and sitting in a chair. you'd be surprised how different it is when you're standing up, using your whole arm to draw.
each of those excuses are totally true, but also amazingly lame. i just suck at life drawing.
that being said, i have been painting lately, and i like what i'm doing. getting excited about it. i got one painting finished, and 2 more in the works.

just having fun here.
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